You’ve probably got a favorite RSS feed reader on your Mac that you, for one reason or the other, prefer over others. Some of you might still read feeds in your browser using Google Reader or other online feed reader, subscribing to and keeping up with each feed of interest one by one. For those who aren’t interested in a particular niche not thoroughly covered by mainstream news sources usually prefer to skip the entire ordeal of looking for, subscribing to and manually checking each news source for updates. Such users have a bunch of solutions available for them in the market, one of which is News Loop for Mac, a free app that sits in the menu bar and displays updates from major news websites, such as Daily News, Huffington Post, Los Angeles Times, New York Post, USA Today and Washington Post. You can, of course, choose which of these sources appear in the updates displayed by the app. You can even have the app keep you apprised of new updates through Notification Center alerts.
News Loop is an app for following news that literally needs no setting up; the feeds are already there and the news will be pulled automatically. You can click the News Loop icon in the menu bar (which resembles a Newspaper) and see the items listed in a pop up. From this same pop up, you can set the app to start at log in and uncheck any news resource you might not want to follow.
The app is very bare and basic; you can choose which news sources you don’t want to follow, but you cannot add ones or choose from a larger selection of sources. While the choice to add an RSS feed of your choice would no doubt turn News Loop into any other feed reader, perhaps a regional filter that allows users to choose a news source for a particular region would be a reasonable addition.
Clicking a news item in the menu bar pop up opens the news item in your default browser, whereas, clicking a news item in the Notification Center does not. If this is a technical restraint then there is little to do about it, but if not, then hopefully, it is a bug that will be dealt with in upcoming updates. Should you miss a news item and have to view it from Notification Center, there isn’t a way to open the item at the source.