
Customize Windows 7 Logon Screen With Logon Workshop

Most of us don’t really like sticking to one thing for a long period of time; it gets boring gradually. Similarly, watching the same logon screen every time your PC starts up can get monotonous. Unfortunately, Windows does not provide any native tool for customizing the logon screen, but there is a wide range of third-party applications for this purpose, with different customization options like changing the logon screen background, logon button set, text and branding. However, not all of these tools come packed with every one of these options. Logon Workshop is a logon screen customizer for Windows that sets itself apart from other logon screen customization utilities with its comprehensiveness. The tool lets you fully customize your logon screen from the wallpaper to the placement and appearance of each screen element. It provides a few sample logon screen design templates that you can use to quickly create your own custom screens.
The main window shows the five sample logon screens including a Windows 8-like logon screen, and a Default preset to switch back to the Windows native logon screen. To use any of the logon screens, select it and click the Apply button at the bottom of the window.
Logon Workshop
To edit any of the logon screens, select the one that you want to customize and hit Edit. A new window will pop up, showing you all customizable options, such as changing all buttons on the logon screen (Accessibility, Command, Genetic, Shutdown and the submit password button). You can even change the location and dimensions of these buttons.
Logon Workshop Edit Window
The User Tile can also be customized according to your liking. You can change its dimensions too and choose its idle, click & mouse hover effects.
Logon Workshop User title
That’s not all. As mentioned before, the application lets you change every aspect of the logon screen, and this includes the Options bar, Window, Scroll bar, Status text and background. To create your own new custom logon screen, hit the New button in the app’s main window and enter an appropriate name for the new logon screen settings. Once done, it will add the new logon screen to the list in the left sidebar, allowing you to use the Editor to create new UI elements, change their dimensions, position, add text etc.
Logon Workshop New
Logon Workshop is probably the most comprehensive logon screen . With the ability to customize all elements, you can mold your Windows logon screen to a unique design of your own. It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Windows 7